Bart Ensing

Meestal werk ik met draden, die ik naast elkaar hang. Hier mocht ik niets meenemen. Dus dat was zeer lastig. Toen vond ik de kastanjebladeren en maakte ik er bloemen mee.

Ik gebruikte bramen als stengels. Het mooie daaraan is dat ze niet strak zijn maar heel golvend en organisch.

Er zijn nooit genoeg bomen op de wereld dus heb ik er één bijgemaakt. De nieuwe houten boom kruist en leunt op de al bestaande. 

Bart Ensing (1960) is a Dutch visual artist, making sculptures and installations. 
As sculptor he works mainly with natural, unprocessed wood. He creates intuitively, respecting the origin and the character of the material.
His installations are created in natural, site specific settings, often in trees. Accentuating the connection between branches and the ground the tree grows from in rhythm and form, or releasing these parameters in playful freedom. Working with light, space, wind, inviting the visitor to be surprised, enchanted, meditative. Bringing nature inside, seducing one to see with other eyes. His light installations are fairy like.

Bart makes you watch, feel, marvel.

He started his artistic career in 2003 after having done policy work for years. As an artist he is autodidact, but he did follow some courses after starting to exhibit in 2009. He exhibits on festivals and in galleries in The Netherlands and abroad. Installations are made site-specific and on assignment.

Art courses / education
beeldende route, Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten (Utrecht Art Centre) (2012-2015)
autobiographic working, Storing AUB (2015)
academie voor de Schone Kunsten Arendonk (Belgium), Monumental Art (2016-2018)

Member of BOK-Net, Sculpture Network, Artist in Nature International Network (AININ) and Yatoo-i.

Selection of exhibitions:
Vormgevers in Hout / designers in wood, Bunnik (2009, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2019); LekArt, Culemborg (2012); Beelden in Gees, Gees (2013); Kunstschouw, Schouwen Duiveland (2013); Stedelijk Museum Vianen (2014); Museum Casteelse Poort Wageningen (2014); International Calcutta Art Biennale, Calcutta, India (2015); Olympos International Art Workshop, Olympos, Turkey (2015); Art routes Lochem, Beemster, Culemborg (2013 – 2020); Kerk van Aerdt (2019); 3 Oever Festival (2020); 'Mirrors', Sille Gallery (2020); solo show 'Twilight worlds' in CHV Noordkade, Veghel (2021), Kunst10daagse Bergen (2021)

Installation art:
Landart Diessen (2013, 2014); Kunst en bomen / art and trees, Oisterwijk (2014); Kunst in Duin / Art in dunes, Keukenhof Castle, Lisse (2014); East Meets West, Art is closing the gap. The Haegeumgang Theme Museum and Art Gallery, Geoje, and other locations, South-Korea (2015 en 2016); Opkloppudding, Honig factory, Zaandam (2015); Kunstenlandschap, Lonneker (2016); Kunst aan het Water / Art at the water, Balk (2016); LekArt, Culemborg (2016); KunstKijk Goeree Overflakkee (2017); Once in the Wetlands (2018), Kunst in de Heemtuin (Art in the garden) (2018), Ljochtstill, Eernewoude (2018); Glasrijk Tubbergen (2018); Kunstmaand Ameland (2018); International Land Art Maastricht (2019); Twingi Landart, Binntal. Switzerland (2019); Boven the Kronen, Main church Culemborg (2019), Grensloos Kunstverkennen, De Wijk (2019); Dan liever de lucht in, Main church Culemborg (2021); solo show in CHV Noordkade, Veghel (2021); Sporen, Ypres Belgium (2022); Landart Beijlshof, Heythuysen, (2022)

Light Art:
Scheveningen Light Walk (2016, 2017, 2019, 2022); KUNA-festival (2017, 2018, 2019); Fjoertoer Terschelling, Renesse, Egmond (2017, 2018, 2019, 2022); Zandvoort Light Walk (2020, 2023); Winterlicht, light festival Schiedam (2017, 2022); Oranjewoudfestival (2018, 2023); Gleam, Art in a new light, Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison (Wi), USA (2018); Engbergen in Lichterlaaie, Gendringen, (2019); Galerie Art Engert, Eschweiler, Germany (2021), City of Light festival, Jyväskylä, Finland (2022)

Artist in Residency:
Ljochtstill, Eernewoude (2018); 3 Oeverfestival, Gendt (2019); AiR Assens, Assens, Denmark (2021).